
How do I activate my Plastic Card? 98 89

Last updated on 10-Mar-2021 08:14 in Support General COINCARDI
Posted BySupport
How to active Ibandirect card, steps:

-              Go to the “Cards” section

-              Press the button “Activate Card”

-              Write your Plastic card number

-              Then you need to create a static password for online purchases (Our suggestions for the static password, use 4 digits and write your phone number with country code but without symbol plus)

 -              When you had made all these steps, now go to the nearest ATM, insert your plastic card, write there your pin-code and check the balance.

 -              Your Card Activated, it’s time to make a deposit!

* Card activation instructions are provided in the envelope that you will receive by post together with your card.

** The time is base on Europe/Helsinki timezone